Hogan Assessment
Originally, this is an American assessment method. This method is used in about 56 countries and 47 languages to measure and predict the behavior of professionals in work situations. In the USA, more than 75% of the ‘Fortune 500 organizations’ use the Hogan methodology. Renowned companies in the Netherlands also use Hogan.
The assessment method actually consists of 3 separate tests under different conditions.
For each component (HPI, HDS, and MVPI), a report is provided which is discussed with the tested person to nuance things and to provide and obtain any background information. In addition to these three reports, a Flash report (compact summary) is also provided.
Hogan Personality Inventory
This assessment describes the strengths and talents of an employee when he/she is feeling well. Divided into implications for leadership, leadership competencies, and development areas.
Hogan Development Survey
This component describes what happens to an employee or leader when stress, pressure, fatigue, or uncertainty manifests. Effective prediction at this point is crucial as stress, pressure, complexity, and uncertainty in leadership increase. This report is therefore about potential leadership risks, possible dysfunctional behavior, and even tendencies to derail.
Motives, Values and Preferences (MVPI)
This report delves deeply into a person’s values, motives, and preferences. What does he/she really get positive energy from or not? It also shows in which organizational culture this person fits best. Additionally, you can see which culture is possibly created by his/her behavior and which (unconscious) biases/distortions are locked in his/her values.
Flash Report
The Flash report provides a graphic representation of the Hogan Personality Inventory, Hogan Development Survey, and Motives/Values/Preferences Inventory scale scores and provides raw data for HPI, HDS, and MVPI subscales. No interpretation information is provided. The report is designed for use by a certified coach with expertise to interpret based solely on numbers.
The Hogan methodology has a number of built-in algorithms that guarantee the validity of the test. These algorithms recognize the possibility of giving ‘desired’ answers and can result in a test being marked as not valid. It is therefore important not to look for ‘desired’ answers in order to influence the result. Stay as close to yourself as possible when taking the test. The validity of the test is indicated in the Flash report.
After extensive training by Hogan, one can obtain a Hogan certification after successfully completing an exam. All employees of EPC Search IMSA have followed this training and successfully passed the exam and are of course certified.